Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Enno Schmidt

Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology
University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Email: | |
Phone: | +49 451 500 41680 |
1. Chakievska L, Holtsche MM, Künstner A, Goletz S, Petersen BS, Thaci D, Ibrahim SM, Ludwig RJ, Franke A, Sadik CD, Zillikens D, Hölscher C, Busch H, Schmidt E. IL-17A is functionally relevant and a potential therapeutic target in bullous pemphigoid. J Autoimmun 2019; 96:104-112
2. Schmidt E, Kasperkiewicz M, Joly P. Pemphigus. Lancet 2019, 394: 882-894
3. Heppe EN, Tofern S, Schulze FS, Ishiko A, Shimizu A, Sina C, Zillikens D, Köhl J, Goletz S, Schmidt E. Experimental laminin 332 mucous membrane pemphigoid reflects clinical and immunopathological characteristics of the human disease and critically involves C5aR1. J Invest Dermatol 2017; 137:1709-18
4. Karsten CM, Beckmann T, Holtsche MM, Tillmann J, Tofern S, Schulze F, Heppe EN, Ludwig R, Zillikens D, König IR, Köhl J, Schmidt E. Tissue destruction in bullous pemphigoid can be complement-independent and may be mitigated by C5aR2. Front Immunol 2018; 9:488
5. van Beek N, Lüttmann N, Hübner F, Recke A, Karl I, Schulze FS, Zillikens D, Schmidt E. Serum levels of IgE autoantibodies against BP180: correlation with disease activity in patients with bullous pemphigoid but not with the type of clinical presentation. JAMA Dermatol 2017; 153:30-38
6. Schulze F, Neumann K, Recke A, Zillikens D, Linder R, Schmidt E. Malignancies in pemphigus and pemphigoid diseases. J Invest Dermatol 2015; 135:1445-47
7. Schulze FS, Beckmann T, Nimmerjahn F, Ishiko A, Collin M, Köhl J, Goletz S, Zillikens D, Ludwig R, Schmidt E. FcRIII and FcRIV mediate tissue destruction in a novel adult mouse model of bullous pemphigoid. Am J Pathol 2014; 184:2185-96
8. Schmidt E, Zillikens D. Pemphigoid diseases. Lancet 2013; 381:320-332
9. Spindler V, Rötzer V, Dehner C, Kempf B, Gliem M, Hartlieb E, Harms GS, Schmidt E, Waschke J. Tandem peptide blocks pemphigus vulgaris skin blistering in mice by preventing loss of desmoglein 3 binding and p38MAPK activation. J Clin Invest 2013; 123 800-811
10. Hirose M, Vafia K, Kalies K, Groth S, Westermann J, Zillikens D, Ludwig R, Collin M, Schmidt E. Enzymatic autoantibody glycan hydrolysis alleviates autoimmunity against type VII. J Autoimmun 2012; 39:304-14

- People
- Leadership
- Principal Investigators
- Petra Bacher
- John Baines
- Katja Bieber
- Hauke Busch
- Anke Fähnrich
- Guido Heine
- Misa Hirose
- Andreas Hutloff
- Saleh Ibrahim
- Christian Karsten
- Jörg Köhl
- Peter König
- Inke König
- Ralf Ludwig
- Anja Lux
- Rudolf Manz
- Sripriya Murthy
- Falk Nimmerjahn
- Matthias Peipp
- Christian Sadik
- Alexander Scheffold
- Paul Schilf
- Enno Schmidt
- Silke Szymczak
- Nina van Beek
- Martin Väth
- Admar Verschoor
- Nina Wettschureck
- Markus Hoffmann
- Post-Doctoral Researchers
- PhD candidates
- Clinicians
- Alumni