Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Köhl

Photo of Jörg  Köhl

Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research (ISEF)
University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

Email: joerg.koehl(at)
Phone: +49 451 3101 8900


1. Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, Walker KI, Ackermann J, Chen X, Turner J, Zhu H, Seyler L, Euler M, Kirchner P, Krüger R, Ekici AB, Major T, Aust O, Weidner D, Fischer A, Andes FT, Stanojevic Z, Trajkovic V, Herrmann M, Korb-Pap A, Wank I, Hess A, Winter J, Wixler V, Distler J, Steiner G, Kiener HP, Frey B, Kling L, Raza K, Frey S, Kleyer A, Bäuerle T, Hughes TR, Grüneboom A, Steffen U, Krönke G, Croft AP, Filer A, Köhl J, Klein K, Buckley CD, Schett G, Mougiakakos D, Hoffmann MH. The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts. Immunity 2021;54:1002-1021

2. Antoniou K, Ender F, Vollbrandt T, Laumonnier Y, Rathmann F, Pasare C, Singh H, Köhl J. Allergen-induced C5a/C5aR1 axis activation in pulmonary CD11b+ cDCs promotes pulmonary tolerance through downregulation of CD40. Cells 2020; 9:300

3. Pandey, M. K., Burrow, T. A., Rani, R., Martin, L. J., Gross, C., Witte, D., Zhang, W., Setchell, K. D., Köhl, J.*, Grabowski, G. A.* Complement drives glucosylceramide accumulation and tissue inflammation in Gaucher disease. Nature 2017; 543:108-112 *shared senior-authorship

4. Arbore, G., West, E. E., Spolski, R., Robertson, A. A.B., Klos, A., Rheinheimer, C., Dutow, P., Woodruff, T. M., Yu, Z. X., O’Neill, L.A., Coll, R. C., Sher, A., Leonard, W. J., Köhl, J., Monk, P., Cooper, M. A., Arno, M., Afzali, B., Lachmann, H. J., Cope, A. P., Mayer-Barber, K., Kemper, C. T helper 1 immunity requires complement-driven NLRP3 inflammasome activity in CD4(+) T cells. Science 2016; 352:aad1210

5. Strait R.T., Posgai MT, Mahler A., Barasa N., Jacob C.O., Köhl J., Ehlers M, Stringer K., Shanmukappa SH, Witte D., Hossain M, Khodoun M, Herr AB, Finkelman F.D. IgG1 protects against renal disease in a mouse model of cryoglobulinemia. Nature 2015; 517:501-504

6. Karsten C.M., Laumonnier Y., Eurich B., Ender F., Bröker K., Roy S., Czabanska A., Vollbrandt T., Figge J., Köhl J. Monitoring and cell-specific deletion of C5aR1 using a novel floxed GFPC5aR1 reporter knock-in mouse. J Immunol 2015; 194:1841-1855

7. Hess C., Winkler A., Lorenz A.K., Holecska V, Blanchard V., Eiglmeier S., Schoen A-L., Stoehr A.D., Petzold D., Schommartz T., Fischer M.M.M., Schoen C.T., Herrmann A., Köhl J., Madaio M.P., Berger M., Wardemann H., Ehlers M. T cell-independent B cell activation induces immunosuppressive sialylated IgG antibodies. J Clin Invest 2013; 123:3788-3796

8. Karsten CM, Pandey MK, Figge J, Kilchenstein R, Taylor PR, Rosas M, McDonald JU, Orr SJ, Berger M, Petzold D, Blanchard V, Winkler A, Hess C, Reid DM, Majoul IV, Strait RT, Harris NL, Köhl G, Wex E, Ludwig R, Zillikens D, Nimmerjahn F, Finkelman FD, Brown GD, Ehlers M, Köhl J. Anti-inflammatory activity of IgG1 mediated by Fc galactosylation and association of FcγRIIB and dectin-1. Nat Med 2012; 18:1401-6

9. Köhl J., Bälder R., Lewkowich I., Pandey M.K., Hawlisch H., Wang L., Herman N., Sproles A., Best J., Zwirner J., Lambris J.D., Whitsett J.D., and Wills-Karp M. A regulatory role for the C5a anaphylatoxin on type 2 immunity in asthma. J Clin Invest 2006; 116:783-796

10. Hawlisch, H., Belkaid, Y., Bälder, R., Hildeman, D., Köhl, J. C5a negatively regulates toll-like receptor 4-induced immune responses. Immunity 2005; 22: 415-426