Dr. rer. nat. Misa Hirose

Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology
University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Email: | Misa.Hirose(at)uksh.de |
Phone: | +49 451 3101 8452 |
1. Schilf P, Künstner A, Olbrich M, Waschina S, Fuchs B, Galuska CE, Braun A, Neuschütz K, Seutter M, Bieber K, Hellberg L, Sina C, Laskay T, Rupp J, Ludwig RJ, Zillikens D, Busch H, Sadik CD, Hirose M*, Ibrahim SM*. A Mitochondrial Polymorphism Alters Immune Cell Metabolism and Protects Mice from Skin Inflammation. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22:1006 (*contributed equally)
2. Russlies J, Fähnrich A, Witte M, Yin J, Benoit S, Gläser R, Günter C, Eming R, Erdmann J, Gola D, Gupta Y, Holtsche MM, Kern JS, König IR, Kiritsi D, Lieb W, Sadik CD, Sárdy M, Schauer F, van Beek N, Weidinger A, Worm M, Zillikens D, Schmidt E, Busch H, Ibrahim SM, Hirose M. Polymorphisms in the Mitochondrial Genome Are Associated With Bullous Pemphigoid in Germans. Front Immunol 2019; 10:2200
3. Hirose M, Schilf P, Zarse K, Busch H, Fuellen G, Jöhren O, Köhling R, König IR, Richer B, Rupp J, Schwaninger M, Seeger K, Sina C, Ristow M, Ibrahim SM. Maternally Inherited Differences within Mitochondrial Complex I Control Murine Healthspan. Genes 2019; 13:532
4. Hirose M, Künstner A, Schilf P, Tietjen AK, Jöhren O, Huebbe P, Rimbach G, Rupp J, Schwaninger M, Busch H, Ibrahim SM. A Natural mtDNA Polymorphism in Complex III Is a Modifier of Healthspan in Mice. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:2359
5. Hirose M, Schilf P, Gupta Y, Zarse K, Künstner A, Fähnrich A, Busch H, Yin J, Wright MN, Ziegler A, Vallier M, Belheouane M, Baines JF, Tautz D, Johann K, Oelkrug R, Mittag J, Lehnert H, Othman A, Jöhren O, Schwaninger M, Prehn C, Adamski J, Shima K, Rupp J, Häsler R, Fuellen G, Köhling R, Ristow M, Ibrahim SM. Low-level mitochondrial heteroplasmy modulates DNA replication, glucose metabolism and lifespan in mice. Sci Rep 2018; 8:5872
6. Hirose M, Künstner A, Schilf P, Sünderhauf A, Rupp J, Jöhren O, Schwaninger M, Sina C, Baines JF, Ibrahim SM. Mitochondrial gene polymorphism is associated with gut microbial communities in mice. Sci Rep 2017; 7:15293
7. Hirose M, Schilf P, Gupta Y, Wright MN, Jöhren O, Wagner AE, Sina C, Ziegler A, Ristow M, Ibrahim SM. Lifespan effects of mitochondrial mutations. Nature 2016; 540(7633):E13-E14
8. Hirose M, Schilf P, Lange F, Mayer J, Reichart G, Maity P, Jöhren O, Schwaninger M, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Sina C, Sadik CD, Köhling R, Miroux B, Ibrahim SM. Uncoupling protein 2 protects mice from aging. Mitochondrion 2016; 30:42-50
9. Hirose M, Kasprick A, Beltsiou F, Dieckhoff Schulze K, Schulze FS, Samavedam UK, Hundt JE, Pas HH, Jonkman MF, Schmidt E, Kalies K, Zillikens D, Ludwig RJ, Bieber K. Reduced skin blistering in experimental epidermolysis bullosa acquisita after anti-TNF treatment. Mol Med 2016; 23
10. Hirose M, Schilf P, Benoit S, Eming R, Gläser R, Homey B, Kunz M, Nebel A, Peitsch WK, Pföhler C, Sárdy M, Schreiber S, Zillikens D, Schmidt E, Ibrahim SM, German AIBD Genetic Study Group. Polymorphisms in the mitochondrially encoded ATP synthase 8 gene are associated with susceptibility to bullous pemphigoid in the German population. Exp Dermatol 2015; 24:715–717

- Mitglieder
- Leitung
- Projektleiter*innen
- Petra Bacher
- John Baines
- Katja Bieber
- Hauke Busch
- Anke Fähnrich
- Guido Heine
- Misa Hirose
- Andreas Hutloff
- Saleh Ibrahim
- Christian Karsten
- Jörg Köhl
- Peter König
- Inke König
- Ralf Ludwig
- Anja Lux
- Rudolf Manz
- Sripriya Murthy
- Falk Nimmerjahn
- Matthias Peipp
- Christian Sadik
- Alexander Scheffold
- Paul Schilf
- Enno Schmidt
- Silke Szymczak
- Nina van Beek
- Martin Väth
- Admar Verschoor
- Nina Wettschureck
- Markus Hoffmann
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen
- Doktorand*innen
- Ärzt*innen
- Alumni